Creative Conservation in a Changing Climate
APRIL 22, 2011
Dr. Camille Parmesan
The University of Texas at Austin
What is the talk about?
Celebrate Earth Day with Professor Camille Parmesan, UT-Austin biologist. Professor Parmesan invites you to look at what current impacts of rapid climate change has on wildlife, and explores innovative solutions to animal and plant conservation in the 21st century.
About our presenter
Dr. Camille Parmesan
Professor Camille Parmesan is a Professor of Ecology, Behavior and Conservation in the Section of Integrative Biology at The University of Texas. In addition, Parmesan is a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an international body of highly respected scientists chosen to report to the world governments on the subject of climate change. Parmesan has given seminars in DC for the White House, government agencies, and NGOs (e.g., International Union for Conservation of Nature and World Wildlife Fund). As a lead author, she was involved in multiple aspects of the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC.
Videos & Podcasts
Lesson Plans
- Climate Change Affects Ecosystems (Elementary & Middle School)
- Climate Change and Species at Risk (High School)
- Creative Conservation in a Climate Change (Middle and High School)
- Sea Ice and Global Warming (Elementary)