TWRN Members
Jose Abella-Gutierrez
Research Program Coordinator, Environmental Science Institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: paleoclimate, environmental science
Expertise: Climate Observations, Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Pradeep Adhikari
Research Fellow RGK Center, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Hydrology, Land cover change
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Habib Ahmari
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Research Interests: Acquisition, organization and interpretation of large environmental datasets through system-wide remote sensing monitoring of water quantity and quality; Physical and numerical modeling of hydraulics and geomorphology in rivers, dam reservoirs, and lakes; Environmental hydraulics; Sediment and contaminant mixing and transport in rivers, dam reservoirs, urban rivers, and irrigation canals
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Pedro Alvarez
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice Univ.
Research Interests: environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology, bioremediation of toxic chemicals, water footprint of biofuels, water treatment and reuse, and antibiotic resistance control.
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Richard Amato
GCG Program Manager, IC2 Institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Clean energy, bussiness development, entrepenuership, international
Expertise: Project Management, Regional Planning
Tom Arsuffi
Director, Llano River Field Station, Texas Tech Univ. at Junction
Research Interests: aquatic and watershed ecology, environmental education, rivers, streams, invasives
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Ripendra Awal
Research Scientist, College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, Prairie View A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Watershed modeling, groundwater modeling, water related hazards including floods, landslides, debris flows, and erosion, natural and artificial dam failures, climate change, GIS and remote sensing, water resources, agricultural water management
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Ken Baake
Associate Professor, Dept. of English, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: Rhetoric scientific literature, science communication, technical communication, documents that create knowledge and support decision-making, American Southwest and Great Plains, how systems self-organize and evolve in complexity
Expertise: Decision Support, Stakeholder Engagement
David Baker
Executive Director, Wimberley Valley Watershed Association
Research Interests: Community awareness, environmental stewardship, land and water conservation, sustainable living practices, groundwater
Expertise: Decision Support, Land Use Land Cover, Regional Planning, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Jay Banner
F. M. Bullard Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: environmental isotopes, water quality, paleoclimate, speleothem, cave, karst, groundwater, urban hydrology, carbonates, climate change, water resources
Expertise: Climate Observations, Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Climate, Water Science
Ryan Bare
Research Scientist, Hydrology and Watersheds Program, Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC)
Research Interests: water quality impacts of developing communities, water borne pathogen risk and public
health, nature based & green infrastructure, and the application of LiDAR to investigate
natural and built environments.
Expertise: Project Management, Regional Planning, Water/Hydrology
Taylor Barnhart
Graduate Student, Jackson School of Geosciences Energy and Earth Resources, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: water resource management and the energy/water nexus
Soumya Batchali
, Resources & Environment, DAR Al-Handasah Pvt. Ltd.
Research Interests: Geochemistry, Groundwater Modelling, Geostatistics
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Timothy Beach
Professor and Centennial Chair; Director of the Soils & Geoarchaeology Lab, Geography and the Environment & LLILAS, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Geoarchaeology, long-term human-environmental change on geomorphology, soils, wetlands, paleoecology, and hydrology; long-term climate change, and agro-ecosystems, education
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Lily Beaman
, Energy and Earth Resources, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: urbanization, hydrology
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Phil Bedient
Herman Brown Professor of Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice Univ.
Research Interests: water quality assessments, and hydrologic modeling, flood and surge mitigation, flood alert systems with radar, groundwater contaminant transport
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Amy Belaire
Program manager, The Nature Conservancy
Research Interests: Landscape and urban ecology, conservation and stweardship, spatial analysis, human-nature interactions
Expertise: Project Management, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement
Kendall Bell-Enders
Senior Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Research Interests: environmental monitoring, water management, groundwater, environmental compliance
Expertise: Regional Planning, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Jude Benavides
Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Marine Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Hydrologic and water quality monitoring and modeling with a focus on water resources management issues in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, specializations include flood alert systems, floodplain mapping, water quality monitoring, and water resources analysis in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
Expertise: Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Lisa Benton
Aquatic Scientist, Lower Colorado River Authority
Research Interests: Aquatic biology, program management
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Matthew Berg
CEO & Principal Scientist, Simfero Consultants
Research Interests: ecosystem services; watershed studies; nature-based solutions; sediment
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Bruk Berhanu
Graduate Research Assistant, Webber Energy Group
Research Interests: Environmental and water resources engineering and public affairs, evaluation of water efficiency and reuse technologies in buildings, Energy-water nexus
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Paul Bertetti
Senior Director, Aquifer Science Research and Modeling, Edwards Aquifer Authority
Research Interests: Groundwater hydrology and geochemistry, land management
Expertise: Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Srinivas Bettadpur
Associate Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Dynamics of the Earth system from satellite gravity measurements, GRACE, remote sensing for understanding the water cycle in Texas and northern Mexico, application of tomorrow's technologies for space-based gravity & Earth system science
Expertise: Climate Observations
Catherine Birney
Graduate Research Assistant, Webber Energy Group
Research Interests: Geothermal energy for brackish water desalination, capita environmental impacts from food waste and overconsumption
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Patrick Bixler
Research Fellow in the RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Impacts of climate change on America's forests and policy responses to facilitate adaptation, interplay between society and environment. land and water management, biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation, residential development, and urban resilience.
Expertise: Decision Support, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Working Node: Stakeholder Engagement
Denise Blanchard
, Geography, Texas State University
Research Interests: Water Management, Flood Hazards and Mitigation, Impact of Flooding and Hurricanes, Water Infrastructure, Water Policy
Expertise: Climate Observations, Demography, Law, Land Use Land Cover, Project Management, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Bart Bohn
Director, Austin Technology Incubator, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: innovative technologies and business models that change the water dynamics underpinning food, energy, and material production industries, start up, entrepreneurship, technology
Expertise: Project Management
Priyanjali Bose
, Geography and Environmental Studies, Texas State University
Research Interests: Rivers, Drought, GIS
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Demography, Decision Support, Law, Land Use Land Cover, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Project Management, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Bryan Brooks
Professor, Dept. of Enivronmental Sciences and Biomedical Studies, Baylor Univ.
Research Interests: water quality and water reuse, comparative toxicology and pharmacology, applied ecology, sustainable molecular design, developing approaches to define risks of contaminants of historical and emerging concern, natural resource extraction and the ecology and toxicology of harmful algae blooms.
Expertise: Decision Support, Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Regina Buono
PhD student, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Water governance, water and energy, and payment for ecosystem services. Water, administrative, and endangered species law
Expertise: Decision Support, Law, Water Policy
William Burdick
, Senior IT Geospatial Analyst, City of Austin Watershed protection
Research Interests: GIS, geospatial analysis, data management
Coy Callison
Professor & Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, College of Media & Communication, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: Mass mediated materials, opinion formation, source and message factors underlying the persuasive ability of mass mediated materials
Expertise: Decision Support
Regina Capuano
Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Univ. of Houston
Research Interests: Hydrogeology, water rock interactions, identify sources of oil field contamination, and understand fluid migration around salt domes, hydrochemistry, contaminant transport
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Bayani Cardenas
Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Hydrologic flow and transport processes, groundwater-surface water interactions and associated nutrient transport, coastal hydrogeology and submarine groundwater discharge, ecohydrology, pore scale flow and transport phenomena, flow and transport in fractures, energy balance and thermal regime of aquatic systems, and hydrogeologic processes in cold regions
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Jesse Chadwick
Air Quality Analyst, Alamo Area Council of Governments
Research Interests: Hydrogeology, karst systems, bioremediation and water quality, and water conservation policy
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Randy Charbeneau
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research & Jewel McAlister Smith Professorship in Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Groundwater hydrology, transport of chemicals,subsurface fate and transport of chemicals; radiological assessment; modeling
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Jingyi Chen
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Hydrosphere, GRACE, ground water remote sensing, analysis of the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere, as well as their mutual interactions, characterization of groundwater levels and aquifer storage properties in agricultural regions.
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Chu-Lin Cheng
Associate Professor, School of Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences (joint appointment with Department of Civil Engineering), University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Groundwater-surface water interactions; Conjunctive management; Water availability/Resilience/Security; Transboundary water resources; Brackish groundwater; Aquifer storage and recovery; Minority workforce training/building in geosciences/STEM; Environmental justice
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Regional Planning, Water/Hydrology
Eunsang Cho
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, Texas State University
Research Interests: Hydrology and Water Resources, Flooding, Drought, Land Surface Modeling
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water/Hydrology
Brad Christoffersen
Assistant Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Ecohydrology, plant water relations, forest ecosystem ecology, modeling of plant hydraulics,
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Vince Clause
Project Manager | Texas Groundwater Lead, LRE Water
Research Interests: Groundwater, Hydrogeology, Aquifer Characterization, Innovative Strategies and Solutions for Groundwater Supply and Management
Expertise: Project Management, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Emily Therese Cloyd
Public Participation and Engagement Coordinator, National Climate Assessment, U.S. Department of Energy
Research Interests: public engagement, carbon cycle and ecosystems, management policy,
Expertise: Decision Support, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
George Cobb
Professor, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Baylor Univ.
Research Interests: Forensic analytical techniques to assess contaminant presence and movement, contaminant presence, transport, and transformation in organisms and environmental systems, environmental toxicology and chemistry
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Benjamin Cook
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Dept. of Earth Sciences at Lamont Observatory, Columbia Univ.
Research Interests: Drought, climate-ecosystem interactions, statistical climatology, climate Modeling
Expertise: Climate Observations
Working Node: Climate
Kerry Cook
Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Climate dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, global climate change, paleoclimate, climate system modeling, climate change in Texas
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling
Margaret Cook
PhD Candidate, Webber Energy Group
Research Interests: Impacts of water scarcity, economics, and policy on water use, oil and gas industry, effects of droughts and heat waves on thermoelectric power generation, fuel extraction
Expertise: Climate Observations, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Stephen Davis
Water Quality Coordinator, Lower Colorado River Authority
Research Interests: Aquatic biology, invasive species, regulatory compliance
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Adrienne Dawson
Research Communications Manager, The Office of the Executive Vice President & Provost, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Communications, business
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement
Andrew Dessler
Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: "Climate change, atmospheric chemistry, Climate Change and Water Vapor, global climate models.
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling
Robert Dickinson
Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Climate modeling, climate variability and change, aerosols, the hydrological cycle and droughts, land surface processes, the terrestrial carbon cycle, and the application of remote sensing data to modeling of land surface processes
Expertise: Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Meterology/Climate Modeling
Chris Dorow
Regional Category Manager, Power and Utilities, BASF
Research Interests: Utilities management, sustainability, chemical engineering
Expertise: Project Management, Socioeconomics
James Doss-Gollin
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University
Research Interests: Hydroclimate extremes, water resources, decision making under uncertainty, climate risk management, flood risk management, systems analysis
Expertise: Climate Observations, Decision Support, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Martin Doyle
Director, Water Policy Program, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions
Research Interests: River science, economics policy, river management and restoration,
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
David Eaton
Centennial Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Rural water supply, international water resource conflicts, energy management, environmental problems of industries, applications of mathematical programming to resource problems, insurance and agriculture, sustainable development in international river basins, evaluation of energy and water conservation programs and pollution prevention
Expertise: Project Management, Water Policy
Gabriel Eckstein
Professor, Dept. of Law, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Energy law and policy, pharmaceutical wastes in the environment, endangered species challenges to oil and gas development, climate change challenges to the management of global water resources, and the international law of transboundary aquifers
Expertise: Law
Vanessa Escobar
Senior Regulatory Compliance Coordinator, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Research Interests: Water conservation plans, best management practices, public awareness efforts, stakeholder facilitation and reporting analysis
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Sarah Fakhreddine
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: water quality, groundwater/surface water interactions, groundwater management, managed aquifer recharge, water trading, integrated
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Jay Famiglietti
Senior Water Scientist, NASA JPL, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Research Interests: Drought, remote sensing, hydrology, groundwater depletion, global climate change, global water security and sustainable water resources management
Expertise: Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Nick Fang
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Research Interests: Floodplain studies, hydrologic/hydraulic modeling, water treatment, hydrodynamic simulation, radar-based flood warning system, storm water management modeling, drainage modeling and design, water quality assessment
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Ali Fares
Associate Director for Research, College of Agriculture and Human Sciences, Prairie View A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Watershed hydrology and management, water allocation, irrigation management, adaptation and mitigation of climate variability, coastal watersheds, surface and groundwater interaction, water security
Expertise: Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Kasey Faust
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: human-infrastructure interactions, infrastructure interdependencies, water sector infrastructure, sociotechnical systems, statistical and econometric modeling, object oriented programming, network analyses, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, impact of population dynamics and socio demographic parameters on the built environment
Expertise: Demography, Project Management
Charlie Flatten
Water Policy Program Manager, Hill Country Alliance
Research Interests: Water planning, policy, management outreach
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
David Ford
Malacologist, Edge Engineering and Science, LLC
Research Interests: Freshwater mussels (Texas and across the US), Fishes, Reptiles, Karst invertebrates
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Karen Ford
Principal, Water PR
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement
Jaber Fouad
Professor and Extension Specialist, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M AgriLife
Research Interests: Integrated water resources and watershed management, stream processes, hydraulics, and restoration
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Oliver Frauenfeld
Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Synoptic climatology, land surface-ocean-atmosphere interactions, teleconnections, tropics, midlatitudes, Arctic, permafrost
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling
Rong Fu
Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Univ. of California at Los Angeles
Research Interests: atmospheric hydrological cycle and interaction with earth’s surface, Earth’s climate at global and regional scales, applying climate science to support regional decision, rainfall variability over Amazonian and Pan-American monsoon regions, local vegetation and biomass burning,
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Stakeholder Engagement
Working Node: Stakeholder Engagement
Huilin Gao
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Hydrological modeling across scales, water resources management, environmental changes and sustainability, biodiversity, remote sensing of precipitation, soil moisture, water storage, and water quality
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Climate
Kyle Garmany
Hydrologist, The Nature Conservancy
Research Interests: Hydrology, natural resource management
Expertise: Agriculture, Land Use Land Cover, Stakeholder Engagement
Marcus Gary
Field Operations Project Manager, Aquifer Science, Edwards Aquifer Authority
Research Interests: karst aquifers, water sustainability
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Helen Gerlach
Graduate Engineer, Austin Water
Research Interests: Water resources, water quality, GIS, engineering
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Marcio Giacomoni
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Water resources systems analysis, water resources management and planning, application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing to water resources and environmental engineering
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Steven Gray
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Stability, Michigan State Univ.
Research Interests: Socio-environmental modeling, understanding how individuals and groups make decisions about complex social-ecological systems
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling, Socioeconomics
Tessa Green
Executive Director, Bridging Barriers Grand Challenge Initiative, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Project planning, proposals, budget, business practices
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Joaquina Guevara
Geospatial Technician, Watershed Protection, City of Austin
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Todd Halihan
Professor, Dept. of Geology, Oklahoma State Univ.
Research Interests: Groundwater-surface water interactions, hydrogeophysics, fluid movement, permeabilty of fractured and karstic aquifers, hydraulic testing in fractured aquifers
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Climate
Shannon Halley
Environmental Program Coordinator, Austin Water, City of Austin
Research Interests: Environmentalism, homelessness, energy efficiency, parks
Expertise: Law, Project Management, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics
Ahmed Hammad
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University
Research Interests: Water splitting, water treatment, water desalination, hydrogen production, education
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Michael Hanemann
Professor, Economics, Arizona State University
Research Interests: Economics of water, water law and institutions
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Decision Support, Law, Socioeconomics, Water Policy
Emad Hasan
, Center for Space Research, The University of Texas Austin
Research Interests: Remote Sensing Hydrology
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Katherine Hayhoe
Associate Professor, Dept. of Politcal Science, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: analyze climate observations, climate projections, forecasts, future scenarios, evaluate global and regional climate models, build and assess statistical downscaling models, translation of climate projections into stakeholder relevant information
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Stakeholder Engagement
Sam Hermitte
Assistant Deputy Executive Administrator, Water Science and Conservation, Texas Water Development Board
Expertise: Decision Support, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Shay Hlavaty
Communications & Outreach Manager, Communications & Outreach, Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District
Research Interests: Groundwater and Aquifers, Environmental communications, outreach, environmental education.
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement
Jungseok Ho
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering Univ. of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Research Interests: Groundwater hydrology, transport of chemicals, subsurface fate and transport of chemicals, radiological assessment, modeling
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Richard Hoffpauir
Owner, Hoffpauir Consulting, PLLC
Research Interests: Water resources, surface water modeling, permitting, and planning
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Kimberly Horndeski
Policy Analyst, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
Research Interests: Economic growth, endangered species
Expertise: Regional Planning, Water Policy
Peter Hotez
Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology, Baylor College of Medicine
Research Interests: Drug and Vaccine Delivery, Tropical Medicine, New generation of drugs, Vaccines against leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, and other soil-transmitted helminths
Karen Huber
Research Fellow
Research Interests: public policy, community outreach, policy analyst.
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Charles Jackson
Research Scientist, Institute of Geophysics, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Numerical models, uncertainty quantification, abrupt climate change, ice age climate cycles, projections of future climate and sea level rise
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling
Nicole Joslin
Executive Director, Austin Community Design and Development Center
Expertise: Climate Observations, Decision Support, Land Use Land Cover, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Jason Julian
Professor of Water Resources, Geography and Environmental Studies, Texas State University
Research Interests: Water Resources, Environmental Conservation, Social-Ecological Systems, Land Use Change
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Lauren Kalisek
Attourney, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, PC
Research Interests: Water utility, water quality law, water policy management counsel
Expertise: Law, Water Policy
Lynn Katz
Director- Center for Water and the Environment, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, Contaminant fate and transport, combined abiotic/biotic treatment systems for in-situ remediation, environmental surface chemistry
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Carey King
Assistant Director, Energy Institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Systems analysis, economics, and net energy, food-energy-water nexus, renewable energy and electric grids, greenhouse gas analysis
Expertise: Decision Support, Socioeconomics, Water Policy
Kevin Kloesel
Director, Oklahoma Climatological Survey, Univ. of Oklahoma
Research Interests: Weather forecasts, weather safety planning, synoptic meteorology, societal impacts and decision-making in weather-impacted situations
Expertise: Climate Observations, Meterology/Climate Modeling
Ken Kramer
Water Policy Researcher & Writer
Research Interests: My primary interests are water policies and public engagement on drought management, environmental flow protection, regional & state water supply planning, water conservation & water use, and water quality protection.
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Kelli Larson
Associate Professor, Dept. of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State Univ.
Research Interests: Water resource management, socioecology, natural resource management, multicultural perspectives, landscape studies, environmental policy, decision making, climate change impacts
Expertise: Demography, Land Use Land Cover, Socioeconomics
Tim Larson
President, Ross Strategic
Research Interests: Air quality management, climate change, clean energy, energy efficiency, land conservation, water sustainability, large aquatic ecosystem protection and restoration, corporate environmental management, transportation, community economic development, and impact investing
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Sharlene Leurig
Principal, Leurig LLC
Research Interests: Strategic planning, policy adaptation, financial analysis, business model development and project management
Expertise: Project Management, Regional Planning, Water Policy
Julie Lewey
Associate Director, Devils River Conservancy
Research Interests: Non-profit, grant writing, PR, financial management, landowner relations
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Qiang Li
Assistant Professor, Natural Sciences, University of Houston-Downtown
Research Interests: Water quality, nutrient transport, isotope biogeochemistry
Expertise: Agriculture, Water/Hydrology
Qilin Li
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice Univ.
Research Interests: "Water and wastewater treatment technology, membrane and colloidal processes, interface phenomena in aqueous environments, nanotechnology.
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Katherine Lieberknecht
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Architecture, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Urban water resources planning, food systems of metropolitan areas, water resources/land use interactions land conservation sustainable agriculture
Expertise: Regional Planning, Water Policy
Lu Liu
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rice University
Research Interests: Urban water sustainability, water-energy-climate nexus
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Robert Mace
Deputy Executive Administrator, Water Science and Conservation, Texas Water Development Board
Research Interests: Groundwater and surface water resources; Water conservation, and innovative water technologies such as desalination, aquifer storage and recovery, reuse, and rainwater harvesting
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Barbara Mahler
Research Hydrologist, Texas Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey
Research Interests: "Aqueous geochemistry, contamination and pollution, groundwater quality, human impacts, karst and contaminant hydrology, land use and land cover, Edwards aquifer"
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Water Science
Ashley Matheny
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Ecohydrology, simulating vegetation impacts on water movement and transfer between the soil and the atmosphere, droughts and disturbance impact on vegetation-climate feedbacks in terms of both water and carbon use
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Cait McCann
Environmental Program Coordinator, Wildland Conservation Division, Austin Water
Research Interests: Conservation, public outreach
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Stakeholder Engagement
Bruce McCarl
Texas AgriLife Senior Fellow, Regents Professor and Distinguished Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Policy analysis (in climate change mitigation, ENSO analysis and Edwards Aquifer water), application of quantitative methods, water economics
Expertise: Agriculture, Socioeconomics
Kristen McGovern
Monitoring and Research Coordinator, Galveston Bay Estuary Program, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Vic McWherter
Public Interest Counsel, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Research Interests: topics arising in hearings challenging environmental permits in the areas of air quality, solid waste, industrial and municipal wastewater (air and water quality modeling, toxicology, surface water quality standards, hydrology, geology, facility site suitability characteristics) and various other environmental permitting subjects
Expertise: Law
Gretchen Miller
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Groundwater sustainability, atmosphere, soil, vegetation, hydrological models, engineering projects
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Valerie Miller
Manager, LCRA
Research Interests: Water contracts & conservation, irrigation advisory, water policy and resiliency, urban planning
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Roger Miranda
Geoscientist, Water Quality Planning Division , Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Research Interests: Transboundary Water Quality Planning and Management
Expertise: Decision Support, Regional Planning, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
June Mirecki
Hydrogeologist, Jacksonville District, US Army Corps of Engineers
Research Interests: groundwater geochemistry
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Binayak Mohanty
Professor, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Vadose zone hydrology, measurement and modeling of hydraulic properties, transport in variably-saturated porous media, preferential water flow and chemical transport through macroporous media
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Rabi Mohtar
TEES Endowed Professor, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Water-energy-food nexus, climate change and social, political, and technological pressure, desalinization
Expertise: Socioeconomics, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Elizabeth Molidor
Geography Faculty member, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Central Texas College
Research Interests: Farming resiliency in Texas drought
Expertise: Demography, Decision Support, Water/Hydrology
MaryLynn Musgrove
, Texas Water Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey
Research Interests: Groundwater quality, aqueous geochemistry, environmental isotopes, paleoclimate, karst and urban hydrogeology
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Jean-Philippe Nicot
Senior Research Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Numerical modeling of multiphase flow and contaminant transport in both the unsaturated and saturated zones, geochemical modeling and reactive transport, water resources management, risk assessment and analysis
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
John Nielsen-Gammon
Regents Professor, Texas State Climatologist, Director of the Southern Regional Climate Center, Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
Dev Niyogi
Professor, Geological Sciences and Civil, Architechtural, and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Urban Climate, Hydroclimatic Extremes, Decision Tools, Process Studies
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Decision Support, Land Use Land Cover, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Project Management, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Doug Norman
Communications & Community Planning Coordinator, Wimberley Watershed
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement
Bibhuti Ojha Chataut
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering , Nepal Engineering College
Research Interests: water allocation, Demand supply analysis, Optimization in allocation
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Sheila Olmstead
Associate Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Natural Resource and Energy Economics and Policy with a focus on water resources, water markets, waste water and shale gas risk mitigation, law, and regulation
Expertise: Decision Support, Law, Socioeconomics, Water Policy
Paula Paciorek
Water Conservation Division Manager , Water Planning , City of Houston
Research Interests: Water Conservation
Expertise: Regional Planning
David Parker
Business Development - TX, Zero Mass Water
Research Interests: Alternative "SOURCE" of water........ made directly from the TX sunshine and air
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Suzanne Pierce
Research Scientist, Dynamic Decision Support Systems, Texas Advanced Computing Center, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Integrated water resources management decision support systems, sustainability science, energy-water nexus, groundwater management, participatory modeling
Expertise: Decision Support, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Stakeholder Engagement
Abel Porras
, Austin Watershed Protection
Research Interests: Enigneering
Mary Poteet
Lecturer, Jackson School of Geosciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Karst ecosystems, biotic response and vulnerability to climate change, invasive species
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Lloyd Potter
Director & Professor, Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research and the Texas State Data Center & Dept. of Demography, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio
Research Interests: Demographic processes, Energy and water consumption, geographic and water quality information
Expertise: Demography
Vanessa Puig-Williams
Executive Director, Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association
Research Interests: Land and water conservation
Expertise: Law, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Ram Ray
Associate Professor, College of Agriculture and Human Science, Prairie View A&M University
Research Interests: Water Resources, Climate Change. Carbon Sequestration, Remote Sensing, Hydrologic Modeling, Precision Agriculture
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Ruthie Redmond
Program Manager, Texas Living Waters project, Sierra Club
Research Interests: Economic, environmental, and water policy. Water sustainability, public education
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Danny Reible
Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: "Sustainable resource management, Contaminant fate and behavior in the environment, contaminated sediments, Treatment and recycling of produced and flowback waters.
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Daniella Rempe
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Hydrological and ecological processes, water resources, weathering of actively eroding landscapes and the implications on moisture storage and transport in fractured rock.
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Nina Rinaldi
Operations & Development Manager, Shoal Creek Conservancy
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Susan Roberts
Director, Engineering Center for Applied Technology, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Water resource solutions, business development, marketing, environmental and resources consulting.
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Katherine Romans
Executive Director, Hill Country Alliance
Research Interests: Natural resource management, landowner outreach, invasive species
Expertise: Decision Support, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Rudy Rosen
Director, Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology, Texas A&M Univ. at San Antonio
Research Interests: natural/environmental resource conservation, advocacy, conservation organization management, freshwater and coastal ecosystems, education and outreach, Fisheries and Coastal Resources
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Meghan Roussel
Associate Director, Texas Water Science Center, USGS
Research Interests: Suburban/urban watersheds, flood-plain management, flood risk assessment,
Expertise: Project Management, Water/Hydrology
Carlos Rubinstein
Principal at RSAH2O, RSAH2O
Research Interests: water resource policy, planning, permitting, compliance, management, and law, water debt, international water boundaries.
Expertise: Law, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Rosario Sanchez
Senior Research Scientist, Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M University
Research Interests: groundwater, transboundary aquifers, international water law
Expertise: Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Mark Sanders
Program Manager, IC2 institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Transportation, sustainable infrastructure
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Andrew Sansom
Executive Director, Meadows Center for Water and the Environment, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: Environmental conservation, freshwater resources, environmental education program
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Anna Schleifer
, PhD Candidate, Webber Energy Group
Research Interests: Mechanical Engineering, thermal fluid systems, building systems, energy efficiency, renewable energy
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Sarah Schlessinger
Executive Director, Texas Water Foundation
Research Interests: water supply, water data, conservation & efficiency, groundwater/surface water
Expertise: Demography, Decision Support, Regional Planning, Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Stefan Schuster
Lecturer, School of Architecture, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Water resilience, integrated water planning, innovation initiatives
Expertise: Climate Observations, Demography, Decision Support, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Project Management, Regional Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Benjamin Schwartz
Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology, Texas State Univ.
Research Interests: Karst hydrogeology, cave ecosystems, aquatic invertebrates of caves and springs, water quality
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Stakeholder Engagement
Mateo Scoggins
Stream Ecologist, Watershed Protection Department, City of Austin
Research Interests: Ecology, environmental science, sustainability, natural resource management, environmental policy, environmental education
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Thad Scott
Professor and Director, Department of Biology and Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research, Baylor University
Research Interests: limnology, water quality, biogeochemistry
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Richard Seline
Executive Director & Senior Advisor, Accelerate H2O
Research Interests: Corporate-community relationships, alternative revenue, project management
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
D.J. Seo
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Research Interests: Data assimilation in water resource management, streamflow forecasting, remote sensing, hydrometeorological and hydrologic ensembles, radar-based rainfall estimation, remote sensing
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Devin Shaffer
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston
Research Interests: water treatment; membrane materials; desalination; community resiliency
Expertise: Decision Support, Water/Hydrology
Jack Sharp
Carlton Professor of Geology, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Hydrogeology, regional groundwater flow in fractured and carbonate rocks and sedimentary basins, hydrology of arid and semi-arid zones, subsidence and coastal land loss, effects of urbanization, hydrogeophysics
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Allan Shearer
Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: creation of future scenarios by individuals, communities, and societies, how future scenarios inform decision making, built environment, scenario-based studies, national and environmental security, sustainability
Expertise: Decision Support, Land Use Land Cover
Tushar Sinha
Assistant professor, Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M Univ. at Kingsville
Research Interests: Hydrological modeling; climate change impacts on hydrology; water resources management; surface water - groundwater interactions; and GIS applications
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Becky Smyth
University professional, Jackson School of Geosciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Geologic CO2 sequestration, environmental assessment of sites impacted by petroleum exploration and production
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Andrew Stainback
Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science, Baylor University
Research Interests: Environmental Economics, Environmental Law, Sustainable Development
Expertise: Decision Support, Law, Socioeconomics, Water Policy
Romey Swanson
Executive Director, Non-Profit Organization, Devils River Conservancy
Research Interests: groundwater, surface water, karst recharge, riparian ecology, stream/spring ecology
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Kevin Thuesen
Program Manager, City of Austin
Research Interests: Ecological restoration, prescribed fire, karst management, conservation easements, water quality, wildland urban interface and negotiating bureaucracies
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Regional Planning, Water Policy
Marla Torrado
Planning Director, Austin Community Design and Development Center
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement
Pamela Torres
Graduate Research Assistant, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Sustainability and Project Management, energy efficiency
Expertise: Project Management
Danielle Touma
Research Assistant Professor, UT Institute for Geophysics, UT Austin
Research Interests: Extreme climate events, climate change and variability, climate hazards and impacts
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling
Martin Tower
Program Manager, Capital Improvements (Austin Water), City of Austin
Research Interests: Improving the performance of public utilities through a focus on data-driven decision making made possible by robust business processes and IT platforms.
Expertise: Water Policy
John Tracy
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: water resource management, adaptive management, drought, climate indices, wetlands, closed basins, water quality monitoring.
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Sarah Traore
PhD student, UT Austin
Research Interests: Flood vulnerability, Hydrological modeling and stormwater management
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water Policy
Darrel Tremaine
Climate and Energy Senior Engineer, CenTrio Energy
Research Interests: Water availability, climate change, sustainable infrastructure, decarbonization, resilience, paleoclimatology, geochemistry
Expertise: Climate Observations, Decision Support, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Venkatesh Uddameri
Professor and Director, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech Univ.
Research Interests: "Groundwater modeling, sustainable water resources management, surface water-groundwater interactions,
water-energy nexus, decision support systems for water resources planning, climate change"
Expertise: Decision Support, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Water Science
Charles Upshaw
Postdoctoral Fellow, Energy Institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Energy and sustainability with a multi-disciplinary systems-level approach and a focus on the built environment, renewable energy technology and systems analysis, residential smart grid and home resource management
Expertise: Project Management
Johanna Valente
Nautral Resources Specialist, Water Resources, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Research Interests: Conservation biology, water quality, invasive species
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Project Management
Todd Votteler
Editor in Chief, Texas Water Journal
Research Interests: water policy, stakeholder engagement, conflict resolution
Expertise: Stakeholder Engagement, Water Policy
Michael Wade
Graduate student, Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Expertise: Climate Observations, Water/Hydrology
Kevin Wagner
Director, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences , Oklahoma Water Resources Center
Research Interests: stakeholder engagement through better integration of scientific information with human systems; watershed assessment, planning, management, and sustainability; bacteria fate and transport, best management practices; water use conservation practices; private lands stewardship
Expertise: Land Use Land Cover, Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Jennifer Walker
Senior Program Manager, Sierra Club
Research Interests: Water Policy, water planning, water conservation and bay and estuary protection
Expertise: Regional Planning, Water Policy
Meredith Walker
Chief Economist, EarthX
Research Interests: International water issues, economics
Expertise: Socioeconomics, Stakeholder Engagement
Shane Walker
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Texas at El Paso
Research Interests: Aqueous chemistry, concentrate disposal and treatment, drinking water, electrodialysis
Expertise: Water Policy
Working Node: Stakeholder Engagement
George Ward
Research Scientist, Center for Research on Water Resources, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Estuaries, water quality, hydrology, water resources and supply, modeling, river, marsh, TMDL, bay, freshwater inflow, hydrodynamic, delta, Galveston Bay
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Michael Webber
Director & Professor, Energy Institute & Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Energy-water nexus, energy systems modeling, alternative transportation fuels, nexus of food, waste, and energy
Expertise: Socioeconomics, Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Working Node: Water Science
Charles Werth
Professor, Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Environmental and water resources engineering, reactive transport and fate of pollutants in water resources, including groundwater and urban lakes
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Doug Wierman
President, Blue Creek Consulting, LLC
Research Interests: Water sustainability
Expertise: Water Policy
Jessica Wilson
Interim Planning Division Manager, Watershed Protection, City of Austin
Research Interests: Behavioral Change, Strategic Planning
Expertise: Project Management, Stakeholder Engagement
Clint Wolfe
Program Manager, AgriLife Research, Texas A&M Univ.
Research Interests: Water resources, water quantity and quality, water use efficiency, watershed planning, program development, stakeholder facilitation, communications and marketing, innovation in water conservation and protection, agricultural economics
Expertise: Agriculture, Stakeholder Engagement, Water/Hydrology
Marcia Workman
GIS Systems Analyst, Water Availiability Division, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Research Interests: Groundwater planning and availability, GIS
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Briana Wyatt
Assistant Professor, Soil and Crop Sciences, Texas A&M University
Research Interests: soil physics, vadose zone hydrology, critical zone hydrology, numerical modeling, remote sensing
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
Zong-Liang Yang
Professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Remote-sensing data, land-air interactions, modeling studies of weather, climate and hydrology at local, regional, global scales, statistical downscaling, watershed modeling, GRACE, drought indices
Expertise: Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water/Hydrology
Working Node: Climate
Kendall Yates
Executive Assistant, Save Our Springs
Research Interests: Water
Expertise: Water/Hydrology, Water Policy
Michael Young
Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
Research Interests: Soil physics, hydrology, water flux, landscape processes
Expertise: Agriculture, Climate Observations, Land Use Land Cover, Water/Hydrology
David Young
Hydrologist, Water Resources, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Research Interests: Water availability, Stream temperature, environmental water needs
Expertise: Water/Hydrology
Yu Zhang
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Research Interests: "Active and passive remote sensing of water and water fluxes, climate change, physical and statistical modeling of hydrological and climatological extremes, surface water, groundwater and water quality modeling, and numerical methods
Expertise: Meterology/Climate Modeling, Water/Hydrology