Water Justice

Water Justice

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021

Dr. Kimberly Jones

Howard University

What is the talk about?

There is a water crisis in the U.S. During the past decade, 63 million Americans were exposed to potentially unsafe water more than once. Dr. Kimberly Jones will discuss the disproportionate access to safe and reliable water in American communities and how researchers, lawmakers and communities can work together to solve this crisis.

About our presenter

Dr. Kimberly Jones

Dr. Kimberly Jones

Kimberly Jones is Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education in the College of Engineering at Howard University. Her research interests include water and wastewater quality, global water treatment, and environmental justice. She has served on advisory committees to the U.S. National Academies and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the latter as chair of their Drinking Water Committee.

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