Publications and Awards by Previous REU Participants
Awards and Recognitions
GERECHT, K.E., CARDENAS, M.B., GUSWA, A.J., SAWYER, A.H., NOWINSKI, J.D., and T. E. SWANSON (2011): Dynamics of hyporheic flow and heat transport across a bed-to-bank continuum in a large regulated river. Water Resour. Res., 47: p. W03524. Listed as ‘Most Popular’ in Water Resources Research for being in the top 5 most downloaded articles in April 2011
JACOBEL, Allison (2011): Macalester College Hugh S. Alexander Endowed Prize in recognition of a student’s “scholastic achievements, accomplishments and proficiency.”
TREMBLAY, Marissa (2011): Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, the “preeminent award for undergraduate science and mathematics students in the United States.”*
ISEMINGER, Mallory (2011): Microbial Communities in Rainwater Harvesting Systems, honored with “Best undergraduate oral presentation award,” at the 2012 Student Water Research Conference at Oklahoma State University.
JACOBEL, Allison (2010): Barry M. Goldwater Scholar, the “preeminent award for undergraduate science and mathematics students in the United States.”
MEYER, Nathaniel (2009): 2nd Place Award for Undergraduate Poster Presentation: Fungal responses to changing climate: Drought in central Texas. 12th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University.
Publications and Posters
* denotes non-REU undergraduate author
** denotes ESI REU student or RET teacher author
Castellanos, S., Potts, J., Tiedmann, H., **Alverson, S., Glazer, Y. R., Robison, A., Russo, S., Harmon, D., Ken-Opurum, B., Weisz, M., Acuna, F., Stephens, K. K., Faust, K., & Webber, M. E. (2023). A synthesis and review of exacerbated inequities from the February 2021 winter storm (URI) in Texas and the risks moving forward. Progress in Energy, 5(1), 012003.
**Engleby, M., Miller, N.R., Banner, J.L., and Gunn, H. (2023). High-resolution hydroclimate reconstruction in stalagmites through LA-ICP-MS 2D mapping. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, 15-18 Oct.
Janelle, A., **Rocha, M., Banner, J.L., Miller, N.R. (2023). Geochemical Evolution of Drip Water in Semi-Arid Central Texas Karst: Differentiating Modern Processes and Implications for Speleothem Proxies. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA, 15-18 Oct.
**Kruel, J., Young, M.P., Griffin, S.R., & Jha, S. (2023). Impacts of seasonal fire regimes on physical and chemical properties of soil. Ecological Society of America annual meeting. Portland, OR, 6-11 Aug.
**Wortham, B.E., Banner, J.L., James, E.W., Edwards, R. L., and Loewy, S. (2022). Application of cave monitoring to constrain the value and source of detrital 230Th/232Th in speleothem calcite: Implications for U-series geochronology of speleothems. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 596, 110978.
Miller, N.R., Banner, J., Feng, W., **Gonzales, A., & Kozdon, R. (2021). Hydroclimate response in Texas and Gulf of Mexico to rapid warming during the last deglacial: High-resolution speleothem proxy and monitoring evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 273, 107244.
Beal, L., Senison, J., Banner, J., Musgrove, M., **Yazbek, L., Bendik, N., Herrington, C., & Reyes, D. (2020). Stream and spring water evolution in a rapidly urbanizing watershed, Austin, TX. Water Resources Research, 56(4).
**Brumage, E.J., Miller, N.R. (2019). Determination of Foraminiferal Mg/Ca in Thin Section by LA-ICP-MS: Testing the Monterey Hypothesis. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13.
**Koenigs, B., Miller, N.R., Tisato, N., Tremaine, D.M. (2019). Development of a Speleothem-Analogue Drip Sensor. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13.
**Loewald, A.M., **Mauceri, A., Beal, L.K., Manlove, H., Banner, J.L. (2019). Tracking Urban Development Impacts on Austin, Texas, Area Watersheds Using Endmember Elemental (F–, Cl–) and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) Tools. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13.
Whiting, C.V., **Oline, A., Fowler, N. (2018). Interacting effects of fire characteristics and invasive species on plant communities. Ecological Society of America annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, Aug 5-10.
**Burkhalter-Castro, R., Banner, J., Black, B., Beal, L. K., & Holland, J. (2018). Can trees record impacts of urban growth on watersheds? American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Washington, D.C., Dec 10-14.
**Weidner, C., Miller, N.R. (2018). Determination of Foraminifera Trace Element/Ca Ratios in Thin Section by LA-ICP-MS. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. Washington, D.C., Dec 10-14.
Breecker, D. O., *Bergel, S., **Nadel, M., **Tremblay, M. M., *Osuna-Orozco, R., Larson, T. E., & Sharp, Z. D. (2015). Minor stable carbon isotope fractionation between respired carbon dioxide and bulk soil organic matter during laboratory incubation of Topsoil. Biogeochemistry, 123(1–2), 83–98.
*Cunningham, S., & Jha, S. (2014). Texas Butterfly community composition response to both local and regional land use patterns. Entomological Society of America annual meeting. Portland, OR, 16-19 Nov.
Feng, W., Casteel, R.C., Banner, J. L. &, **Heinze-Fry, A. (2014a). Oxygen isotope variations in rainfall, drip-water and speleothem calcite from a well-ventilated cave in Texas, USA: Assessing a new speleothem temperature proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 127 233–250. /j.gca.2013.11.039
Feng, W., Hardt, B.F., Banner, J.L., *Meyer, K.J., James, E.W., Musgrove, M., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., & Min, A. (2014b). Changing amounts and sources of moisture in the U.S. southwest since the Last Glacial Maximum in response to global climate change: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 401, p. 47–56, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.05.046.
James, E.W., Wong, C.I., **Silver, M.M., Banner, J.L. & Musgrove, M. (2014, submitted). 1,500 Year Periodicity in Central Texas Moisture Source Variability Reconstructed from Speleothems. #25887. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Miller, N., Banner, J.L., Feng, W., **Gonzales, A., Kozdon, R. & Valley, J. (2014). Constraining the onset of a rapid deglacial climate change event in the SW US through high resolution speleothem imaging and isotopic analyses. Geological Society of America annual meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 19-22 Oct.
**Peltier, C. & Shanahan, T.M. (2014, submitted). Spatial and Temporal Variability in Branched Glycerol Diakyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) in a Varved Tropical Lake System: Implications for High-Resolution Paleotemperature Reconstructions. #31102. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
*Ritchie, A.D., & Jha, S. (2014). Foraging behavior and floral preference of Melissodes tepaneca. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Sacramento, CA, 10-15 Aug, abstract PS 41-120.
*Saifuddin, M. & Jha, S. (2014). Colony-Level Variation in Pollen Collection and Foraging Preferences among Wild-Caught Bumble Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Environmental Entomology, 43, 393-401.
*Schenau, E., & Jha, S. (2014) Male bumble bees exhibit high diploidy within human-altered landscapes. Entomological Society of America annual meeting. Portland, OR, 16-19 Nov.
**Wortham, B.W., Banner, J.L., James, E.W., & Loewy, S.L. (2013a). Direct measurement of initial 230Th/232Th ratios in central Texas speleothems for more accurate age determination. Abstract V13A-2595 AGU, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
**Wortham, B., James E. & Banner, J.L. (2013b). Variability in initial 230Th/232Th ratios in central Texas speleothems is used for more accurate age determination. South central Geological Society of America Section Meeting. Abstract17-6 BTH 6.
**Gonzales, Angelique. (2013). UV fluorescent imagery to assess speleothem growth rates. Council on Undergraduate Research REU conference. Arlington, VA, 27-28 Oct.
**Gonzales, A., Miller, N.R., & Banner, J.L. (2013). Using UV fluorescent imagery to assess speleothem growth rate variations during an abrupt warming episode. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.777. Denver, CO.
Goodwin, K., **Rhodes, R. & Johnson, J.P. (2013). Armor Development from Decapitated Flash Flood Bores in Supply-Limited Flume Experiments. Abstract EP41D-08 AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, CA. 9-13 Dec.
Goodwin, K., **Rhodes, R. & Johnson, J.P. (2013). Armor Development from Decapitated Flash Flood Bores in Supply-Limited Flume Experiments. Stratodynamics Workshop. Nagasaki, Japan, 28-30 Aug.
Hawkes C.V., Kivlin S.N.*, Du J., & Eviner, V.T. (2013). The temporal development and additivity of plant-soil feedback in perennial grasses. Plant and Soil 369: 141-150
Jha, S., Stefanovich, L., & *Kremen, C. (2013). Native plants dominate bumble bee pollen loads across natural and agricultural landscapes. Ecological Entomology, 38, 570–579.
**Moore, M.W., Hardt, B.F., Banner, J.L., & Jenson, J.W. (2013). Evaluation of Speleothem Oxygen Isotope Fractionation from a Tropical Cave on the Island of Guam, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Poster no. PP23C-2000.
**Rhodes R., Goodwin K., & Johnson, J.P. (2013). Transported and Surface Grain Size Changes During Experimental Flash Floods. Abstract EP31B-0854 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec.
Shanahan, T.M., Wicks, T., & **Jimmie, J. (2013). Asynchronous east-west climate changes over the southwestern United States driven by competing moisture sources during the last deglaciation. Abstract PP33A-1905, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec.
**Thayer, A.G., Banner, J.L., & Casteel, R. (2013). Application of modern cave dripwater geochemistry to understanding seasonal changes in mineral-solution reactions: implications for reconstructing paleoclimate from speleothems. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 45:7, 768. Denver, CO.
Wong, C., **Kromann, J.S., Hunt, B.B., Smith, B.A., & Banner, J.L. (2013). Investigating groundwater flow between Edwards and Trinity Aquifers in Central Texas, Groundwater DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12106.
Breecker, D.O., *Quinn A., Quade, J., Banner, J.L., **Ball, C.E., & Meyer, K.W. (2012). The source of carbon in cave air CO2 under mixed grassland and woodland vegetation. Mineralogical Magazine; 76, 1513.
**Lindzey, K.M., Partin, J.W., Quinn, T.M., Jenson, J.W., Shen, C.-C., Banner, J.L., Lin, K., & Hardt, B.F. (2012). Decadal-Scale Rainfall Variability in Guam over the Common Era. Abstract PP21B-1996, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA. 3-7 Dec.
Miller, N.R, **Griffiths, R. & Banner, J.L. (2012). Construction of high-resolution trace element-time series in slow growth speleothems by LA-ICP-MS: Importance of parameter optimization and oriented band fabric imagery. Abstract PP33A-2093, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA., 3-7 Dec.
Miller, N.R., **Griffiths, R.E. & Banner, J.L. (2012). It’s Okay We are in the band: Importance of oriented band fabric imagery for establishing high-resolution trace element time-series in slow growth speleothems by LA-ICP-MS. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program. Charlotte, NC.
**Anseeuw, S.K., Casteel, R.C., & Banner, J.L. (2011). Linking cave drip water geochemistry to climate variations at a central Texas cave, Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
**Boesch, S., Johnson, J.P. & Delbecq, K.L. (2011). An experimental study of tsunami deposit thickness trends. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
Cardenas, M.B., **Gerecht, K.E., Markowski, M., Nowinski, J.D., Sawyer, A., Stanley, B.A., & Swanson, T. (2011). The Familiar as Frontier: Persistent transient stream-groundwater interactions. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs 41:347.
**Cunningham, M.T., Wong, C.I., Banner, J.L., & Miller, N.R. (2011). Investigating the potential preservation of seasonal dripwater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca variations in a speleothem from central Texas. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
Delbecq, K.L., **Boesch, S., Johnson, J.P., Kim, W., & Mohrig, D. (2011). Evaluating paleotsunami deposit models using flume experiments. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.
**Enriquez, H.J., Blaney, L., & Marron, C. (2011). Pharmacologically active compounds in drinking water: ozonation of erythromycin. California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Conference, Ontario, CA.
**Gerecht, K.E., Cardenas, M.B., Guswa, A.J., Sawyer, A.H., Nowinski, J.D., & Swanson, T.E.. (2011). Dynamics of hyporheic flow and heat transport across a bed-to-bank continuum in a large regulated river. Water Resour. Res., 47:W03524.
**Heinze Fry, A.L., Feng, W., Banner, J.L., & Casteel, R.C. (2011). Oxygen isotope relationships between rainfall, dripwater and speleothem calcite from Westcave, central Texas, USA: Possible implications for paleoclimate study. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
Kivlin, S.N.*, & Hawkes, C.V. (2011). Differentiating between effects of invasion and diversity: impacts of aboveground plant communities on root fungal communities. New Phytologist 189: 526-535.
**Kromann, J., Wong, C.I., Hunt, B., Smith, B., & Banner, J.L. (2011). Investigating Vertical Mixing Between Two Carbonate Aquifers Using a Multiport Well, Central Texas. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA., 5-9 Dec.
Miller, N.R, Wong, C.I., **Cunningham, M.T. & Banner, J.L. (2011). Toward the resolution of microscopic seasonal variations in slow growing speleothems by ELA-ICP-MS. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
**Moore, M.W, Hardt, B.F., Partin, J.W., Banner, J.L., Jenson, J.W., Sinclair, D.J., & Taylor, F. (2011). Paleoclimatic Study of the West Pacific Warm Pool using Oxygen Isotope Variations in a Stalagmite from Guam. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
**Sanguinito, S. & Johnson, J.P. (2011). Quantifying gravel overlap and dislodgement forces on natural river bars: implications for particle entrainment. Submitted to Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
*Stefanovich, L.Y., Kremen, C., & Jha, S. (2011). Effects of floral resource quality on Bombus vosnesenskii forage. Abstract presented at Ecol. Soc. of Am. Confer., Austin, TX, 7-12 Aug.
Stoynova, V.P, Shanahan, T.M., **Wycech, J., de Vernal, A., Hughen, K.A., & Keigwin, L.D. (2011). Sea ice variability in the North Pacific since the LGM: new insights from molecular geochemistry. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
Yoon, J., **Nadel, M. & Breecker, D.O. (2011). δ13C values of CO2 respired during incubation of C3-derived soil organic matter: Refining the paleosol carbonate CO2 barometer. Abstract presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 5-9 Dec.
**Ball, C.E., Breecker, D.O. & Banner, J.L. (2010). Where does cave – air CO2 originate? Evidence from stable carbon isotope ratios. Geol. Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs 42: 448.
**Chao, T., Glinka, C.B., & Hawkes, C.V. (2010). Can microbes play a role in ecosystem recovery from disturbance? A test with cyanobacteria in restoration of Florida scrub. Ecol. Soc. of Am., Pittsburgh, PA, invited.
**Duran, L. & Banner, J.L. (2010). Application of Sr isotopes to tracing vadose flows paths in the Edwards Aquifer and implications for reconstructing paleoclimate. Geol. Soc. of Am., Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
**Enriquez, H.J. (2010). Pharmocologically active compounds in drinking water: ozonation of erythromycin. Poster presentation at Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Annual Conference, October.
*Pape J.R. , Banner J.L., Mack L.E., Musgrove M., & Guilfoyle, A. (2010). Controls on oxygen isotope variability in precipitation and cave drip waters, central Texas, USA. Journal of Hydrology 385, 203–215.
Sandoval-Solis, S., **Reith, B. & McKinney, D.C. (2010). Hydrologic analysis before and after reservoir alteration at the Big Bend Reach, Rio Grande/Rio Bravo. Center for Research in Water Resources (CRWR) Online Report 10-06.
**Sanguinito, S. & Johnson, J.P. (2010). Quantifying the influence of imbrication on forces required to initiate motion of coarse-grained sediment on natural river bars. Abstract EP31A-0720 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 Dec.
Bolnick, Daniel I., Snowberg, L.K., **Patenia, C., Stutz, W.E., Ingram, T., & Lau, O.L. (2009). Phenotype-dependent native habitat preference facilitates divergence between parapatric lake and stream stickleback. Evolution 63(8).
**Busse, E., Mahler, B., Van Metre, P., & Wilson, J.T. (2009). Land use and urbanization: Contaminant trends in lake core sediments of Lake Palmer and Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs 41: 43.
**Dunckel, A.E., Cardenas, M.B., Sawyer, A.H., & Bennett, P.C. (2009). High-resolution in-situ thermal imaging of microbial mats at El Tatio Geyser, Chile shows coupling between community color and temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36: L23403.
**Dunckel, A.E., Pearson, E.Z., Waller, C.W., Al-Johar, M.M., & Sharp, J.M. (2009). Hydrogeological and well-sitting investigation in a shallow, generally low-permeability alluvial system – Tecolote farm, Manor, Texas. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs, 41: 448.
**Gerecht, K.E., Markowski, M., Nowinski, J.D., Sawyer, A.H., Swanson, T.E., & Cardenas, M.B. (2009). Fluid flow and heat transport within the Hyporheic and Riparian Zones of a regulated river: Colorado River, Austin, TX. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs, 41(7) 347.
Glinka C.B., *Chao, T. & Hawkes, C.V. (2009). Invasion legacies impede restoration of ecosystem processes. Mycological Society of America/Botanical Society of America Joint Meeting. Snowbird, UT. 25-29 July, P2EC020, Abstract ID: 890.
**Hagemann, M. & Banner, J.L. (2009). Assessing potential seasonal paleoclimate signals in a Late Pleistocene stalagmite from Central Texas. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs 41: 513.
**Andresen C.G., & Erdner, D.L. (2008). Uncovering biodiversity in estuaries; the enigmatic Picoeukaryotes. Presentation at 2008 ASLO meeting of the Am. Soc. of Limnology and Oceanography, Orlando, FL, 2-7 Mar.
**Andresen, C.G. & Erdner, D.L. (2008). Assessment of picoeukaryote diversity along an estuarine gradient. Texas Bays and Estuaries Meeting, Port Aransas, TX.
**Andresen C.G., & Lougheed, V. (2008). Assessment of temporal and spatial distributions of critical wetlands along the middle Rio Grande. Presentation to Soc. of Wetland Scientists SWS conference, Washington, D.C., 25-31 May.
*Bintliff, J. (2008). Environmental Action Component in sustainability coursework: service learning in the syllabus, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC, 9 – 11 Nov.
**Dunckel, A.E., Sawyer, A.H., Franks, M., Bennett, P., & Cardenas, M.B. (2008). Surface water temperature controls on microbial communities at the El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile. Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM, Houston, TX.
** Greene, L.E., Banner, J. L., & Mylroie, J.E. (2008). Paleoclimate Implications from a Geochronologic and Sr Isotope Study of a Bahamian Speleothem from San Salvador, Bahamas. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs 40(6) 418.
**Jacobel, A. (2008). Evaluating the effects of topography on the climate signal in Porites spp. Poster presentation (PP23C-1505) at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Mack, L.E., Banner, J.L., Christian, L.N., Gilbert, K.D., Werner, C.W. & **Francis, A. (2008). 247-11 Sr Isotope dendrochemistry in urban riparian trees as a temporal record of urbanization impacts on stream-water chemistry. Geol. Soc. of Am. Joint Annual Meeting, Houston, TX.
**Nance, L., Kulis. P.S., & Hodges, B.R.. (2008). Water budget for Oso Bay, Corpus Christi, TX. Poster presentation for Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Graduate School Internship.
**Varela, J., Potosky, R., Ridall, H., & Barr, G. (2008). Effects of paroxetine on the predatory behavior of smallmouth bass Micropeterus dolomieu. Presentation to the Fifth-Annual Mid-Atlantic Region Scientific Meeting of the Ecol. Soc. of Am., Wilkes-University, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Cagle, M. F., Sharp, J. M., & *Saepia, D.M. (2007). Controls of sulfate variability in groundwater at a lignite mine, northeast Texas, Geol. Soc. Of Am. Abstracts with Programs 39: 330.
Cagle, M.F., Sharp, J.M. Jr., & **Saepia, D.M. (2007). Controls of sulfate variability in groundwater at a lignite mine, Northeast Texas. Geol. Soc. of Am. Abstracts with Programs 39: 3.
Cardenas, M.B., & Wilson, J.L. (2007). Thermal regime of sediments in channels under gaining and losing conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 112: G04013.
**Resop, R.S., Ninmann, E., & Wallace, R.L. (2007). Time-Specific Hatching of Zooplankton Resting Eggs From Dry Sediments and Ephemeral Pools in the Chihuahuan Desert. Presentation to the 18th Annual Argonne Undergrad. Research Symp.
Wong, C., Banner, J., Musgrove, M, & **Mihealsick, C. (2007). Controls on the geochemical evolution of vadose water in a karst terrain in central Texas: Geol. Soc. of America Abstracts with Programs 39(6) 481.
**Resop, R. S., Pelc, S. & Linder, C. (2006). Characterization of the microbial communities of three caves near Austin, TX. Presentation to the 17th Annual Argonne Undergrad. Research Symp.
**Resop, R.S. & Snell, T.W. (2006). Analysis of Mating Preferences of the Marine Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, Eos Trans. AGU, 87: 36, Presentation to the Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl. Abstract OS26B-01.
**Andring, M.J., Wolaver, B.D., Sharp, J.M., Jr., & Banner, J.L. (2006). Analyzing groundwater flowpaths in a karstic basin using cross-plots of major ions: Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico. Geol. Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs 38(7) 288.
**Green, M. (2006). REU Short Video, Promotional video for UT REU [online] Accessed 25 Aug. 2014.
**Pierson, S.J., Banner, J., Musgrove, M., & Mack, L. (2005). Delineating flow paths in the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer; Sr isotope constraints, Geol. Soc. Of America Abstracts with Programs 37: 435.
Stern, L.A., Banner, J., **Cowan, B., **Copeland, E., Mickler, P., James, E., Guilfoyle, A, Musgrove, M., & Mack, L. (2005). Trace element variations in speleothem calcite: Influence of non-environmental factors: Geol. Soc. Of Am. Abstracts with Programs 37(7) 435.
**Mihealsick, C., Banner, J., Musgrove, M., James, E., & Guilfoyle, A. (2004). Application of Mg/Ca ratios to groundwater evolution in the Edwards aquifer of central Texas: Geol. Soc. Of Am. Abstract with Programs 36(5) 327.